Embrace the boredom.

Except no one is ever bored holding a cat.

Boredom is usually seen as a bad thing. You get bored when there’s nothing to do. Nothing. To do.

Why do you have to be doing something? Why does anything have to be done?

I say, embrace boredom. Let it wash over you. Appreciate the peace and tranquility of having nothing pressing, nothing pushing, nothing dragging you out of the current moment.

We have a tendency to covet our time so much (as we should!) that when we get even a moment of time to ourselves, we immediately try to fill it with something—anything—that will make it ours. I’m just as guilty of this as anybody. When I do laundry, I will literally spend more time looking for my headphones and poking through my phone, looking for something to listen to, than it actually takes me to do the laundry itself—which is really just throwing clothes in the washing machine and hitting start.

In my natural state, I’m what is often called a Maximizer. In Dungeons & Dragons parlance, I’m a Min-Maxer. Basically I try to maximize my time and effort, be as efficient as possible, often with the opposite result. Instead of spending ten minutes figuring out what to listen to while I “do the laundry,” if I just did the laundry and got it over with, I would have ten extra minutes on the other side to just sit and relax.

Frankly, though, even if I could be super efficient and spend only thirty seconds planning for my laundry trip, the fact is that I don’t know why I should. Embrace the boredom. Trying to constantly be entertained is a surefire way to stress yourself out, because you’ll spend much of your time trying to find just the right entertainment. The perfect podcast, the perfect movie, the perfect song, etc.

Just embrace boredom. Embrace stillness. The stillness will always be there, if you listen for it. It’s always there, unchanging.

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