Meditation #7: Shouldn’t say ‘shouldn’t.’

Try to avoid using prescriptive speech, instead defaulting to descriptive wherever possible.

Instead of saying “You should go to bed,” you may say something like, “You seem tired.”

Even better, in cases where it’s appropriate, ask a question instead: “Are you tired?”

When you ask a question–and you ask it sincerely, without expecting one answer or another–you are inviting information to come to you, rather than imposing information on the world around you.

The next best thing is descriptive speech, in which you aren’t imposing information on the world, but rather simply commenting on the information you can perceive. “That car is an unusual pink color” is a descriptive statement, whereas “That car is ugly” is prescriptive.

So, to summarize:

  • Say nothing.
  • Or, if you must say something, ask a question.
  • Or, if you cannot ask a question, describe your observation.

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