The things, they call to me.

All the things I’m interested in, I hear them calling to me all the time. The book on the shelf that has gone unread for years, it speaks to me every time I pass by it. I can even hear it whispering to me down the hall as I sit in the bedroom, reading another book.

“Why not me?” it pleads.

The project I have been thinking about starting, it softly calls to me while I’m trying to sleep.

“When is it my turn?” it asks.

I hear all of them asking for my attention all the time. It’s overwhelming. I have had to learn to ignore their questions, to focus my attention on what’s in front of me and what I want to achieve, and not let the lure of those other things seduce me into giving up my precious time for them. If that book on the shelf were going to be read, it would be read. If the project were going to be started, it would be started.

I only do the things I do, I can’t do the things I don’t.

If I’m going to do something, I’ll do it. If I’m not going to, I won’t.

It’s simple, really.

But just try explaining that to an unopened boxed set of Knight Rider.

This is why I have taken to cultivating not only more discipline in my thoughts and focus, but more simplicity in my life as a whole. If you don’t let those things into your home, they won’t tempt you.

Forget letting them into your home, even. Don’t let them into your mind, into your sphere of awareness.

Embrace avoidance. Either you say ‘no’ first, or you say ‘yes’ first and then have the anxiety of having to learn to say ‘no’ later. Avoid the anxiety and the stress of having things vying for your attention, and just don’t allow them the space in your life.

This is easy with things that don’t interest you. You do it all the time.

I’m saying, do it with things that do interest you. Things that you know will push all the right buttons for you.

Not all things that interest you, obviously. But limit yourself.

Stick to the Five Things. No more than that. No distractions. Choose your interests, and stay the course, and don’t let the whispers seduce you.

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