This is the most important thing you’ve ever done.

Whatever you are doing is always the most important thing you could be doing in that moment. Indeed it’s the only thing.

Just tell yourself, this is the most important thing in my life.

You could die in the next moment; do you really think it’s wise to spend this moment thinking about that one?

If you knew you were going to die next year, would it make any sense to spend this year planning for it?

If you knew you were going to die next week, would it make any sense to spend this week planning for it?

If you knew you were going to die tomorrow, would it make any sense to spend today planning for it?

So pretend like you know you’re going to die in the next moment, and stop planning for it.

But how will I ever make plans for the future? I hear you asking that.

It’s not that you should never spend time planning, but ask yourself if this is the moment for it. Are you with friends? Family? Are you enjoying a meal? Are you having an experience?

Then this isn’t the moment to plan!

When you’re having quiet time, at home in bed, or sitting on the toilet, or just relaxing for a while, that may be a good time to think about the future. But don’t think about a possible the future at the expense of a definite present. Don’t ignore a good experience now so you can think about a possible good experience in the future.

Be wise with your time, and your focus. Don’t squander it.

This moment is the most important moment of your life. Be there for it.

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