Meditation #44: The “Two Lever” argument.

If you’re struggling over whether or not you made the right choice, take heart in knowing that you couldn’t have chosen any other way. Ask yourself which, if either, of these two things you were in control of at the time:

  1. The prior state of the universe. The arrangement of all the atoms and subatomic particles that make up all of existence.
  2. The laws of physics that control those atoms and subatomic particles.

Unless your name is Dr. Manhattan, or Q, I can guarantee you don’t have control of either of those aspects of reality. Therefore, you could not have “chosen” any differently than you eventually did when you made your decision, therefore you are not truly at fault.

This concept comes from philosopher Daniel Meissler, who (as far as I know) invented it, and called it the “Two-Lever Argument Against Free Will.”

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