Everything is a choice

Choices become actions
Actions become habits
Habits become The Way We Live
The Way We Live becomes Who We Are

Who you are comes down to the choices you make in the next moment and the next moment and the next moment. Made a bad choice this moment? Don’t dwell on it. Make a better one in the next moment.

Man does not simply exist, but always decides what his existence will be; what he will become in the next moment. – Victor Frankl

Don’t like who you are right now? Become someone else by making a different choice. You only have to do it once.


Can you believe it? Every choice you make you only ever have to make one time.

Want to quit going on social media? Choose not to right now.

Done. You did it. You made the choice.

Next time you are presented with the option, it’s a different choice. It’s not the choice you made before; It can’t be. That choice was before. Different time, different place in the cosmos. Different you.

This is a new choice. You can choose to be a new you, again, now, or not. You won’t be the old you, though, no matter what. Don’t worry. You can’t be, understand? You changed into a new you the last time you made a choice about this thing. You already are a new you.

In other words, don’t be hard on yourself if you aren’t consistent with your choices. In fact, celebrate it. If you’re inconsistent, then at least it means you’re thinking. You’re trying something new.

You may never develop a habit from inconsistency, but you also won’t develop a bad habit.

Think about that.

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