Travel Frog vs. Me

Today at work I came across an unexpected ad for a mobile game called Travel Frog. It looks cute from the artwork I saw, and from the description it sounds intriguing. (It was called “Buddha-like,” whatever that means. I want to know!)

What is he doing? I really, really want to know.

So I made a mental note to check it out as soon as I got a chance.

And then, a while later, when I thought about it again, I remembered the 5T. You’d think it would be easy to remember, being as it’s such a huge part of my life right now. And yet my negative habits are so ingrained from a lifetime of seeking instant gratification.

“Oh, an interesting thing. I love interesting things! I’ll check it out!”

It’s like a knee-jerk reaction, totally unconscious. It’s only because I wasn’t able to download Travel Frog the moment I saw the ad, and because I was working on this blog the next time I thought of it, that I was able to get some perspective on my feelings about it.

I want it. I’m interested in it.

But that doesn’t make it valuable to me.

Interest is not currency in my mental world. A thing may be shiny, but that doesn’t mean it has to go in my boat. (See my post about The River for an explanation.)

So, as much as it pains me to say it, I will not be checking out Travel Frog. I’ll just have to accept that it’s probably cool, and I probably would enjoy it, but that it’s not going to be a part of my life anytime soon.

And even though it’s just an app this time, maybe next time it will be something bigger, something even more enticing. Every time I say no, I’m making myself stronger, and making my 5T more meaningful, and finding more inner peace.

(That said, if any of you have played it let me know how it is thanks bye.)